The fastest way to the water from the lakeside hotel – fishing in unspoilt nature.
The philosophy behind it – safe boats, perfect equipment, perfect service.

Boats made of wood or poly for 1 – 3 persons (14 – 20 Euro / day or 60 – 85 Euro / week and boat) from Höfner brothers.
Electric engine and battery, capstan and anchor, towing device, tarpaulin, rotary seat available on request.
Personal training session on your boat, change of battery, vacuuming device, freezer compartment, crashed ice, fish-smoking available on request. Tips and tricks, fish guiding available on request.
We can get your fishing pass for you
(tourist office – approx. 45 Euro / week).
The fishing pass authorizes you to fish anywhere in the lake.
Fish stock: 23 different species – lake trout 23kg / European record!
In addition, the water of Weissensee lake is classified as drinking water.


Your fishing buddy and guide

Index, Welcome, our suites, restaurant, picture galerie, mene wine cellar, summer, winter, ice skating, fishing, rates, arrangements, booking request,, how to get there, contact
Der Ronacherfels ****, Familie Lilg, Neusach 40, A-9762 Weissensee

Tel.: 0043 (0) 4713 / 2172, Fax: 0043 (0) 4713 / 2172-24, e-mail:

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